Please Help!!!
I live in Tahoe and got your name from a patient raving about you helped fix his foot. I was hoping that I would google your name and find your office was close to where I live. I saw that you are located in San Diego. I dont know if you can still help me or refer me to someone close to my house. This pain started 8 months ago with swelling and light discomfort on top of 2,3 and 4th metatarsal heads. Would only swell when I ran. THEN 6 weeks ago I fell and started to notice the same area was getting worse. Now I have swelling on the top and the bottom (ball) of my foot. Still 2,3 and 4th metatarsal area. Went to a DC that specializes in sports injuries and he taped it and started to adjust my back weekly. No improvement after 1 month…then I went to a DPM and she did xrays and said there was no fracture and wanted to give me an injection of steroids into the area. I declined when she couldn’t give me an accurate diagnosis and a reason as to why she wanted to give me the injection. The pain is constant at a 3, walking gives me a 4-5 and periodically I get more intense twinges of pain to a 6-7. Hoping you have some advice and a referral if you think I need to see another Dr. Thank you Dr Allen.
Hi Sarah,
I am sorry to hear about your foot injury. There are a couple of things it could be but based on your description it is most likely a plantar plate ligament injury. It is possible that it is a Mortons Neuroma…neither would show on x-ray….both might show on MRI but are known to evade many a scrutinizing radiologist. There is very little else it could be based on the signs and symptoms.
I am not sure what the Chiropractor hoped to gain from adjusting your back…..but then again that is what many Chiropractors do.
Even though you are in Tahoe I can help you with a online Zoom consultation but will offer you two options.
These plantar plate injuries are very serious and debilitating. It is unfortunate how few doctors and therapists out there understand the condition and how to correct it conservatively. Even the surgeons do not do well with this and the outcomes are often horrific. Keep this in mind when I offer you these 2 options. If you would like my help and expertise please fill out this new patient form and respond to my email. I will have a secure invoice sent to you and we can set up a Zoom consultation. or if you prefer you can fly to San Diego. I have been able to help hundreds through the phone, online and emails but obviously it would be best to see and examine you in person. Afterwards if you need my help in locating a PT or Chiropractic clinic that can carry out our treatment protocol (depending on the diagnosis) I would be happy to help you research and find one. Please send me a chronological history–anything you tried that helped or hurt you. What you are currently doing? Past treatments, MRI’s, X-rays, special test etc.
I can review everything and offer you a Zoom consultation. The cost is $227 and is not covered by insurance. Afterwards I will send you
- a written treatment plan
- any necessary video rehabilitation tutorials
Let me know when you want to come to San Diego and we will set up an appointment for you.
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