
1006, 2020

Shin Splints and Bone Marrow Edema

By |June 10th, 2020|Alter-Gravity Treadmill, Running Injuries, Sports Injuries|0 Comments

I have suffered from what I thought had been shin splints for the past 2 years now. I play college soccer and am very active whether its running, lifting weights, or playing soccer. I was in a lot pai [...]

705, 2019

Do Orthotics Help Chronic Foot Pain?

By |May 7th, 2019|Custom Orthotics, Foot/Heel Injuries, Running Injuries|0 Comments

A person with chronic foot pain wrote to me recently asking if custom orthotics would help her chronic foot pain. Please see my responses in italics I am currently 52 years old and have suffered with [...]

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