Custom Orthotics
Custom orthotics also known as custom insoles or even custom foot beds are commonly prescribed and used in the treatment of running and other athletic injuries involving the lower extremity. Your low [...]
Tennis Leg & Medial Gastrocnemius Syndrome
I have been treating calf injuries in runners for 10 years. I thought I had seen it all, in addition to the usual suspects like Achilles tendonitis and tendonosis I have successfully treated ruptured [...]
Running Injuries, “Internal Variables” and Custom Orthotics
Hey Doc I need your help. Everytime I start a running program I develop pain on the inside of my shins. It always gets worse and I have to stop running. My doctor and physio are stumped. Now I hav [...]
What Causes Butt Pain/Gluteal Pain?
Pain in the butt/Gluteal pain is common in long distance runners as well as in the non-running population. When a patient presents complaining of pain in their butt/Gluteal pain it is extremely impor [...]
Ischial Bursitis
There are two types of hip bursitis. Ischial Bursitis which is a swollen bursa near where your hamstring attaches on your Ischial Tuberosity (SITS bone) and Trochanteric Bursitis which is where your [...]
Stress Fractures
Stress fractures are common in runners. Typically stress fractures are seen in newer runners or in runners that increase their weekly mileage too quickly. Recently I saw a patient that experienced a [...]
Achilles Tendon Injuries
Dr. Allen I was hoping you could help me with my Achilles Tendon Injury! See my history below. I've had a very long-standing Achilles Tendon Injury (since April 2012), coinciding with a piriformis/gl [...]
Leg Length Discrepancy (LLD) and Pain
I had this Leg Length Discrepancy since I was a toddler with chronic knee pain that would wake me from my sleep. The only relief was to run scolding hot water in the bathtub over my knee until I would [...]
Metatarsal Pain
Hi Dr. Allen, I run regularly, about 10km most nights on road and have developed severe metatarsal pain. I have a severe hallux valgus left foot. Insidious onset left foot pain over dorsal surface, ar [...]
Do Orthotics Help Chronic Foot Pain?
A person with chronic foot pain wrote to me recently asking if custom orthotics would help her chronic foot pain. Please see my responses in italics I am currently 52 years old and have suffered with [...]