Dr. Allen specializes in the treatment of running injuries such as plantar fasciitis, shin splints, runners knee, iliotibial band syndrome and piriformis syndrome.
Dr. Allen has been fixing San Diego runners “by hand” without drugs or surgery for ten years. Many running injuries can be fixed using simple and accurate diagnostic methods and treatment recommendations.
Some people are wary or even skeptical of Chiropractic, wondering what adjusting their neck or back will do to help their knee injury or foot injury. In fact, they are correct. Dr. Allen does not adjust their neck or back in an attempt to fix their knee or foot. Dr. Allen takes a detailed history regarding the injury, perform an in-depth orthopedic and biomechanical examination, and accurately diagnoses the condition. After the diagnosis is made treatment options are discussed. Not only will Dr. Allen provide the patient with the diagnosis but he will teach them about their condition, how they got it and most importantly, how to get rid of it. Often patients go to doctors and receive a diagnosis and leave the office feeling less than satisfied. This is because what they really wanted was a solution to their injury, not a name for it. Dr. Allen provides solutions. He employs everything available to fix injuries including ultrasound, electrical stimulation, myofascial release techniques, Kinesiotaping, home stretching and strengthening programs, running shoe prescriptions and custom orthotics.
“I know all the tricks of the trade for getting injured runners through their race even though they may not be 100 %. Often runners come to the office injured, complaining that their doctor told them not to run, or their coach said they were too injured and would not be able to do their half marathon, marathon or Ironman. After performing a thorough examination it is common for Dr. Allen to come up with a “quick-fix” and help the injured runner complete their goal using simple techniques like a running shoe, an orthotic or sports taping like Kinesiotape”.
Chiropractic, while once thought of as “alternative’ is now considered a viable and often necessary treatment. When rest fails, and before considering taking powerful drugs, injections or even considering surgery try chiropractic. The following is what WEB_MD has to say on Chiropractic. “Research has shown and contributed to a climate where chiropractic now enjoys far-greater acceptance than in the past. In fact, chiropractic is now part of the sports-medicine program of the U.S. Olympic Committee. Of course, you don’t have to be an Olympian to benefit from chiropractic care. Each year, 20 million Americans go to the chiropractor, 90 percent of them seeking treatment for musculoskeletal problems like back pain, neck pain, other joint and muscle pains and headaches.
In short, while mild, temporary soreness after exertion is nothing to worry about, persistent aches and pains are a sign that you are over-stressing your muscles and joints. It’s important not to push your body to the limit while in pain, because this increases your risk of further injury. If your athletic activities are causing more than temporary pain, a chiropractor may be able to help.”
If you require further information after reading about your running injury email Dr. Allen at drallen@sdri.net or call (858) 268-8525 to make an appointment.